We help brands get funding and customers in the next big web.

Heiwa (hay-wah) means peace and joy, and we help companies grow smartly in the next version of the web. Advertising, branding, and marketing have evolved and we know how to help businesses thrive as consumers evolve. We are a team of creative directors, financial, legal, and product experts with a network of talented creatives, designers, and developers who help projects smartly scale.

The projects we believe in and support are

Sustainable, inclusive, open, build community, and transparent.

Can Heiwa Labs help you?

Whether you are an individual or a company and have questions or ideas related to succeeding in web3, Heiwa Labs will enable you to go forward. We can assist with strategies, product development, brand leverage, risk management, funding, integration, compliance, and community discovery and growth through our specialized Heiwa community.